Métis Scholar Awards

Awarded to a full-time student in any NorQuest College Career program.
Eligibility Criteria;
• Financial need.
• Academic standing of 64%/C/2.0 or higher.
• A personal letter from applicant describing educational goals and career objectives.
• Canadian Citizen and an Alberta resident.
• Not a registered or treaty Indian.
• Not receiving a Rupertsland Institute (RLI) Métis Training to Employment sponsorship.
• Métis heritage (a copy of proof of Métis status must be submitted with application: [photocopy of MNA membership card, or a membership card in any of the following organizations: Métis settlements of Alberta, Métis Nation of Ontario, Métis Nation-Saskatchewan, Métis Nation BC or Manitoba Métis Federation card; photocopy of parent(s)/grandparent(s), aunts/uncles or siblings membership card in any of the above named Métis organization; or Genealogy proving Métis ancestry

NOTE: Students are only eligible to receive the Métis Scholar Award once per Academic year.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please describe how you are involved in the Métis Community.
  2. Are you a current client of, or receiving funding from the Rupertsland Institute?
  3. Declaration
    • I declare that my name will not appear on the Government of Canada’s Indian Registry or a Band list pursuant to the Indian Act and I am not an Inuk or a non-Status Indian.